• Leave your bandage on for a minimum of 4 hours. After you remove the bandage you need to wash your new tattoo. (For bigger work you can further re bandage the tattoo (for your first night ONLY) right before heading to bed after following the washing and drying steps procedures below).
  • Remove bandage. If bandage is stuck to the tattoo, gently remove it while under running water, therefore reducing the risk of damaging the tattoo.
  • Once bandage is removed, using an antibacterial soap, wash the tattoo off well using your fingertips in a circular motion and warm water. Gently wash away any blood, plasma and residue from the area. If your tattoo feels slimy and slick, that is residual plasma remaining on the surface and this needs to be removed with the antibacterial soap. If plasma is allowed to dry on the skin, this can create thick scabbing. Scabbing should be avoided, and is preventable by removing all plasma every few hours. It is necessary to wash the tattoo whenever pooling of body fluids is evident, especially in the first few days.
  • When done washing the tattoo off, gently pat the tattoo dry with a clean low lint towel or paper towel.
  • After your initial wash, wait at-least 24 hours before administering any lotions or tattoo healing products. This period of time should be spent keeping your tattoo clean, air dry, and free of plasma.
  • After this 24 hour period, begin applying AVEENO Daily moisturiser (or similar fragrance free water based dry skin lotion) or speciality tattoo aftercare product to the tattoo 1-3 times a day. You should only use a very SMALL amount of lotion, just enough to rub completely into the tattoo. *NEVER* apply thick or heavy amounts of product. This can suffocate your tattoo and contribute to scabbing. You want your tattoo to breath to facilitate proper healing.
  • Always wash your tattoo in between lotion applications and anytime pooling is evident. The lotion should be applied to the tattoo for at least the first 4-5 weeks of healing.
  • Somewhere between the 3rd and the 6th day, the tattoo will start to flake off like tissue paper.
  • Do not pick at or scratch! Let the skin peel naturally. You will notice small pieces of dry skin containing color coming off while using the lotion or washing the tattoo. This is normal - it is just the top layer of dead skin coming off. Your tattoo is not disappearing.
  • DO NOT Re-bandage the tattoo once the bandage is completely removed.
  • DO NOT Allow direct sunlight or tanning beds on the tattoo for the first 4-5 weeks.
  • DO NOT Touch your tattoo with unwashed hands during the healing process.
  • DO NOT Pick or scratch tattoo while it is peeling.
  • DO NOT Swim, take a bath, or enter a hot tub or sauna for one month or until the tattoo is completely healed.
  • DO NOT Apply lotion to a softened scab. You must wait for it to dry.

  • Contact the artist if you have any questions regarding your tattoo.